The Marine Corps Mobilization Processing System (MCMPS) was originally developed in 1994 as a DOS-based program. The system was designed to provide Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC) and the Mobilization Processing Centers (MPCs) an automated solution to mobilization processing and the tracking of individual Marines. Numerous enhancements have been incorporated into the system based on operational evaluations by the MPC staffs as well as HQMC during mobilization exercises and real world contingency operations. In FY99, the MCMPS was converted to a client-server application operating under Microsoft Windows. The MCMPS has recently undergone a rapid transformation to a web-based application utilizing ASP.Net, VB.Net and SQL Server 2000.
A Platform for Business Intelligence
MCMPS enables HQMC manpower personnel to collect data on the mobilization of reservists at all steps in the activation process-from the moment an individual Marine arrives at the Initial Mobilization Processing Center until reporting to the Gaining Force Command (GFC) for duty. This includes the tracking of the individual throughout mobilization processing and individual refresher training at the Mobilization Support Battalion (MSB). The system captures the reasons why a reservist may fall out of the activation process, or why an individual is placed on medical, dental or legal hold. In addition, MCMPS will continue to track the individual upon arriving to a GFC as an Individual Augmentee until the GFC releases the Marine back to the MSB for deactivation processing. The system therefore gives continuous visibility of the status and location of a Marine from initial activation processing until final deactivation processing and travel back to his/her residence.
Functional Description
On a functional level, MCMPS is made of four components: a Mobilization Processing Module, an Individual Augmentation Management Module (IAMM), a Demobilization Processing Module and a Requirements Tracking Module. These modules provide for end-to-end visibility of mobilized manpower for the USMC--from the identification of a billet need to the assignment of a Marine to the return of the Marine home.