IDEAMATICS Founder receives Prestigious Award

Dr. David L. Danner, IDEAMATICS Inc. founder and CEO, was one of eight distinguished individuals recognized for his achievements by the Washington Academy of Sciences, during their annual awards banquet hosted at the Sphinx Club in Washington, DC, on May 8th 2014. Dr. Danner received the Academy’s award for Achievement in Engineering Science.

The Washington Academy of Sciences was incorporated in 1898 as an affiliation of eight scientific societies in the Washington, D.C. area. Its founders include Alexander Graham Bell and Samuel Langley, secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. The purpose of the academy is to encourage the advancement of science.

Mr. Neal Schmeidler, a previous award recipient and an Academy Board member, presented the award. Neal introduced David with a personal touch, which David reciprocated by thanking Neal, family, friends and the Academy. David also used his time at the podium to express the necessity for everyone, including himself, to be more involved in the community and organizations such as the Academy.

David is President of IDEAMATICS, Inc., a premiere IT solutions DoD contractor located in McLean, VA. He is a recognized software engineering consultant and a subject matter expert in manpower requirements allocation. He holds a patent for a “Computer-Telephone Interface Method & Apparatus,” and has written many articles on software development. David received B.S. and M.S. degrees in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University, and his Ph.D. in Systems Engineering from The Catholic University of America.

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