IDEAMATICS, Inc. is proud to announce that Mr. Chad Markgraf, Applications Team Leader, has earned his Masters in Business Administration (MBA) degree with honors from Regis University

Mr. Markgraf recently graduated from Regis University, earning an MBA with an emphasis in organizational performance management.  The Regis University’s MBA program provides a sophisticated understanding of the business enterprise and all its functional elements.  The organizational performance management specialization was a unique program designed in collaboration with Aubrey Daniels Institute to provide a comprehensive understanding of behavioral science in the workplace and proven principles that drive organizational effectiveness.  Earning this degree with honors is a testament to Mr. Markgraf’s commitment to professional growth while balancing the demands of his position in IDEAMATICS with his busy schedule as a dedicated husband and father of two children.

Mr. Markgraf has over seven years of experience in design and implementation of .Net web applications, web service applications, Blackberry mobile applications and application management. He has been involved in all aspects of maintaining and developing the Navy Marine Corps Mobilization Processing System (NMCMPS) over the past five years, and he has fulfilled a lead developer role for the Mobilization Readiness Tracking Tool for the United States Coast Guard.

Mr. Markgraf is seen here being congratulated by Mr. Mike Schwartz, Vice President of IDEAMATICS, Inc.

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