IDEAMATICS’ GSA Schedule now offers the Reachtopia™ Suite of Social Media Engagement & Promotion Tools

IDEAMATICS’ GSA Schedule now includes Reachtopia™ suite of Social Media Engagement & Promotion suite of tools

Among Reachtopia features:

  • Continuously monitors social media and news outlets.
  • Searches user-input keywords.
  • Manages inbound and outbound news and public releases and analytics.
  • Web-based; accessed from any location in the world with access to the Internet.
  • Provides comprehensive media coverage metrics, positive and negative reporting trends, and rankings of news and social media sites.

​Reachtopia offers:

  • User-friendly dashboard format
  • Individual social media links

Advanced Analytics:  Reachtopia‘s analytical capabilities enable users to identify the most influential voices on Twitter, Facebook and Blogs. Features include:

  • Automated semantic analysis algorithm
  • Social influence and volume indicators
  • Location of each mention’s source
  • Ability to display and sort on a map
  • Customized daily media reports

Campaigns:  Reachtopia disseminates public information via its BlastWire™ service to blogs and news organizations.

Compatibility & Data Sharing:  Reachtopia uses a web-based protocol compatible with U.S. Government systems and social media systems.

Message Scheduling:  Reachtopia’s BlastWire feature programs and pre-stages scheduled releases of information to news and social media for specific dates and times.

Twitter Accounts and Linkage:  Reachtopia manages Twitter accounts; its data mining capabilities identify key Twitter accounts for dissemination and re-Tweets.

Custom Reports:  Reachtopia provides daily customized reports culled from news and social media, such as:
· Links to individual sites
· Individual information items
· Number of followers
· Positive and negative reporting trends

Heat Maps:  Displays posting sites geographically – with positive or negative rating.

GSA SCHEDULE:              GS-35-F-5187H
pdf link for the 132-32 pricelist

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