ASMR’s Winning Team

IDEAMATICS, Inc. is pleased to be a part of the ASM Research team that was awarded the U.S. Army’s Human Resources Solutions (HR Solutions) contract for Studies and Analysis Support of the Army’s HR Community.

This multi-year IDIQ contract enables IDEAMATICS to work side-by-side with a top provider of long-term support for the Army’s HR Community to build a broader, stronger, mutually beneficial relationship with the organization. Almost half of its staff have masters degrees. In addition, IDEAMATICS has direct, long term experience with the human resource management systems used by the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and, indirectly through the U.S. Joint Forces Command, the HR systems of the Army and Air Force.

Coupled with our philosophy of lifetime learning, continuous client involvement and creative approaches to studying and solving complex issues and situations, our knowledge and experience will ensure that the Army HR Community will receive the best possible results on every project in which we are involved.

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