IDEAMATICS migrates Marine Corps Mobilization Processing System (MCMPS) to Marine Corps Enterprise Information Technology Services (MCEITS) environment

IDEAMATICS, Inc., as a subcontractor to the InfoReliance Corporation migrated the USMC Marine Corps Mobilization Processing System (MCMPS) to the Marine Corps Enterprise Information Technology Services (MCEITS) hosting environment. This move improves the security and reliability of the application and provides a better overall user experience for Marine Corps users worldwide. IDEAMATICS helped in all aspects of the migration, including the initial planning phase, requirements gathering, performance metrics, data staging, and application configuration. IDEAMATICS was also instrumental in converting all of the nightly jobs to the new environment, including the complex Operational Data Store Enterprise (ODSE) personnel data pull. IDEAMATICS also assisted with establishing the Marine Reserve Orders Writing System (MROWS) web service on the new MCEITS server environment.

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