Mr. John Kaplar earns Micropact Entellitrak® Developer Certification

IDEAMATICS recently joined MicroPact’s Global Alliance Partner Program, and we are pleased to announce that our Vice President of Software Solutions, Mr. John Kaplar, has become our first MicroPact Certified entellitrak® Developer.   MicroPact has focused on engineering commercial off the shelf (COTS) solutions for the public sector, with growth marked by their consistent focus on delivering powerful, adaptive, case management products that transform the way organizations deliver successful outcomes.

Entellitrak® is MicroPact’s signature case management solution, currently used by the U.S. Navy as the foundation for its Naval Justice Information System.  As our first Certified entellitrak® Developer, Mr. Kaplar leads the way for IDEAMATICS to significantly increase our COTS integration efforts in support of Federal, state, and commercial case management requirements.

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